My ME/CFS and my Mental Health
In today’s blog, I want to talk about living with ME and my mental health problems. You may have seen from previous blogs, that I live with severe depression with psychotic symptoms, as well as anxiety, panic attacks, and C-PTSD…
My Mental Health and my Songwriting
You may have seen the blog I wrote for Mind a few years back talking about my relationship with music and how it helps my health. If you haven’t, why not have a quick read? Today I want to…
My Experience of using an Electric Wheelchair.
As some of you may be aware, I use a wheelchair part time because of M.E/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It helps me when I go out and about as it reduces the amount of exhaustion I could get when heading out…
Invisible Illness – You look composed and Seem well.
Hey all! So I wrote this a good few weeks ago (back in a land of 2020), but with me updating my website I didn’t want to share it straight away. However now my website is live, I can share…
Forgiveness, Judgement & Mental Health
Hi all! I wrote this blog a few months ago, but I felt I wasn’t able to share it at the time. However, I believe that the message is still important to know, and so today, I’m sharing it with…
Labyrinthitis – An Invisible Illness
3 years ago, I was told I had Labyrinthitis, which is an inner ear infection. It causes severe vertigo, sickness, sudden loss of hearing, a lot of pain, and most of time I struggle to stand. It was the first…
Interview: Keighley Perkins
There are many questions we have when it comes to mental health. 1 in 4 of us in the UK are faced with mental health difficulties at some point in our lives, and that statistic is based on those who…
A Letter to my Ex
It’s almost 6am. I’ve been lying here for almost 3 hours and I just can’t sleep. Memories, that’s the problem. Those memories or thoughts that steal your sleep away. Okay, so everyone has their bad nights and goes through an…
What Would You Do?
Hi all!, today’s blog is going to be a little bit different. It’s not quite mental health focused, but when I explain the story, you’ll understand how this situation can play on your mind. I wasn’t sure whether or not…
Lets talk about Suicidal Thoughts *Potential Trigger*
Hello! It’s been a while since I last wrote a post; shocking I know! I do apologise for this! Since October last year, I’ve been busy with university, coping with my mental health, focusing on my music, spending as much…